Sometimes you don’t want to add the jQuery library to your project and just want to use raw JavaScript. In this case, you will use the following commands to get the HTML element width using raw JavaScript.
We’ll show you how to get the width of an element with a certain id, how to get the width of an element with a certain class, how to get the width of the window, and how to get the width of the HTML body.
Get Width of an HTML Element by ID
The following JavaScript code gets the element width with and without a border of an element with the id value of container.
// get width with border
// get width without border
Get Width of an HTML Element by Class
The following JavaScript code gets the element width with and without a border of an element with the class value of container.
// get width with border
// get width without border
Get Width of the HTML Body
The following JavaScript code gets the width of the HTML body.
Get Width of the Window
The following JavaScript code gets the width of the window.