
Stripe Connect Error: No application matches the supplied client identifier

I received the following error out of the blue for a Stripe Connect implementation that I built out.

{"error":{"message":"No application matches the supplied client identifier"}}

I describe the context surrounding this error below but I found a simple way to solve this issue. Spoiler alert, I was missing the client_id from my generated authorization URL.

I used the great PHP League’s OAuth 2.0 Client, specifically, I used an officially linked third party provider that used the League’s OAuth 2.0 Client to build out a Stripe OAuth Client visible at https://github.com/adam-paterson/oauth2-stripe.

I used the OAuth 2.0 Stripe Client Provider to generate an authorization URL using the following command:

$provider = new \AdamPaterson\OAuth2\Client\Provider\Stripe([
			    'clientId'          => env('stripe_live_client_id'),
			    'clientSecret'      => env('stripe_live_client_secret'),
			    'redirectUri'       => env('stripe_redirect_uri'),
$authUrl = $provider->getAuthorizationUrl();

After looking into the generated link a bit more and looking through Stripe’s Connect documentation, I found out that I was missing the client_id parameter in the generated authorization URL. My generated URL looked like the below:


So, I simply had to add the client_id parameter to the end of the URL and that did the trick! So, I updated the code above to this instead:

$authUrl = $provider->getAuthorizationUrl().'&client_id='.$stripe_live_client_id;

This made the URL appear like the following:


After running that, when I clicked on the generated Authorization URL, it directed me to the Stripe Connect form instead of a blank page with that “No application matches the supplied client identifier” error. And, I was able to check off yet another task on my neverending list ;).


It turns out that the issue was in the instantiation of the class. I had updated Laravel and the way they handle environment/configuration variables changed in the upgrade. The client id wasn’t being provided properly because I was using the newer version of Laravel and was getting the client values using env() instead of config(). So, I added the Stripe Client ID and Client Secret to the services config file and updated the instantiation code to look like the below:

$provider = new \AdamPaterson\OAuth2\Client\Provider\Stripe([
			    'clientId'          => config('services.stripe.client_id'),
			    'clientSecret'      => config('services.stripe.client_secret'),
			    'redirectUri'       => config('services.stripe.redirect_uri'),
$authUrl = $provider->getAuthorizationUrl();

This created the authorization URL that included the client_id, so I was able to remove the addition of the client_id parameter at the end of the $authUrl variable. Finally, got that working as it actually should work, instead of having to add the client_id manually.

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