
SQS Queue in Laravel Not Working

I recently switched a client site to use AWS SQS as the queue provider instead of a database to speed things up a bit. After creating a standard Queue in SQS, adding the AWS SQS credentials to the config/queue.php file per Laravel’s documentation, and updating the QUEUE_DRIVER in the .env file, I could see that…

Connect RDS to Lightsail

I created an RDS instance for a client the other day and needed to connect it to their Lightsail instance. I had never done this before and the documentation out there isn’t as simple as it should be. So, how do you connect RDS to Lightsail? There are 4 simple steps to connecting your RDS…

What is $() in Linux?

While I was going through a tutorial, I saw $() being used in a Linux Shell command and wasn’t sure what it did. $() is a command substitution It turns out, $() is called a command substitution. The command in between $() or backticks (“) is run and the output replaces $(). It can also…

Install WP CLI

We break down the installation process for the WordPress Command Line Interface (WP CLI) into the following 3 steps. Step 1: Check Requirements Before you can WordPress Command Line Interface (WP CLI), you need to check that your environment has the following list of requirements: UNIX environment – Linux, for example, is the most popular web…

Update User Password WP CLI

Updating a user password using WP CLI (WordPress’ Command Line Interface) couldn’t be easier! You simply have to start off by getting the ID of the user that you want to update and then you update the user’s password. These steps assume that you have installed WP CLI on your server. If you haven’t already…