
Add a Slider to Salient WordPress Theme

I needed to add a slider to a page for a client’s website that used the Salient WordPress theme. Adding a slider to Salient WordPress theme involves 2 simple steps. Step 1: Add Slides under Nectar Slider Hover over Nectar slider in the left sidebar and click on Add New Slide Upload an image and make sure to select a Slider Location,…

Pull Page Data into a Custom Variable in Google Tag Manager

In order to track conversions with Google Tag Manager, I needed to pull the revenue information out of the current page and put it into a custom variable in Google Tag Manager. The documentation is not very good with regards to how to do this. So, where do you start? We’ll show you the 3…

Adding Custom Columns to Custom Post Types

Adding custom columns to custom post types for your WordPress plugin is a simple 4 step process. For those of you who may not know what custom columns are for custom post types, the picture below shows custom columns for a custom post type listing called Products in WordPress. As you can see, there is…

Convert HEIC to JPG on Mac

I was recently confused when I needed to upload a jpg photo to a website. After transferring the photo that I took on my phone to my computer, I learned that the image was in the HEIC (high efficiency image compression) format. I learned that HEIC uses more advanced compression than JPG format and that’s…

Add Custom Database Table to a WordPress Plugin

Adding a custom database table to a WordPress plugin is a simple 2 step process. If you are using the WordPress Plugin Boilerplate, adding a custom database table involves adding the following code to the activate function within the class-plugin-name-activator.php. This code includes utilizing the wpdb global variable and the dbDelta function that allows a…

Add a Media Uploader Button to a Custom Metabox

There are 4 steps to follow to add a media uploader button to a custom metabox in WordPress. The quick overview is that you need to add a javascript function to the admin part of your WordPress plugin, add a button to your metabox (that includes the correct references from the javascript function), make sure…

Add Plugin to WordPress Plugin Directory

After having added three plugins to the WordPress plugin directory, I still have to look through my own documentation each time I submit a plugin. So, why not publish it here and share it with you fine people?! I tried to simplify the process as much as possible and put together the 5 steps that…

Update Plugin in WordPress Plugin Directory

Now that you have added your plugin to the WordPress directory, there are many circumstances that warrant updating your plugins in the WordPress Plugin Directory. For example, you will likely need to make updates to your plugin as WordPress updates core versions, whenever you add additional functionality, whenever you update tested up to versions, whenever…