
What is $() in Linux?

While I was going through a tutorial, I saw $() being used in a Linux Shell command and wasn’t sure what it did. $() is a command substitution It turns out, $() is called a command substitution. The command in between $() or backticks (“) is run and the output replaces $(). It can also…

Install WP CLI

We break down the installation process for the WordPress Command Line Interface (WP CLI) into the following 3 steps. Step 1: Check Requirements Before you can WordPress Command Line Interface (WP CLI), you need to check that your environment has the following list of requirements: UNIX environment – Linux, for example, is the most popular web…

Update User Password WP CLI

Updating a user password using WP CLI (WordPress’ Command Line Interface) couldn’t be easier! You simply have to start off by getting the ID of the user that you want to update and then you update the user’s password. These steps assume that you have installed WP CLI on your server. If you haven’t already…

How Can I Add a User Through SQL

Adding a user through SQL involves two parts. First, adding a record into the WorPress users table and then second adding a record into the WordPress usermeta table. The table prefix will likely be different for different WordPress installations. In the code snippets below wp_ is the table prefix, however for your installation it may…

Stripe Connect Error: No application matches the supplied client identifier

I received the following error out of the blue for a Stripe Connect implementation that I built out. I describe the context surrounding this error below but I found a simple way to solve this issue. Spoiler alert, I was missing the client_id from my generated authorization URL. I used the great PHP League’s OAuth 2.0 Client,…

How to Vectorize an Image in Inkscape?

Using Inkscape to vectorize an image takes 3 simple steps. Step 1: Open PNG Image in Inkscape Open image in Inkscape or drag an image onto your Inkscape document. If you drag it into your document, you may see the following prompt (I used the default settings below): Click on your image to select it….

How to undo git add before commit?

There are two ways to undo git add prior to a commit. The first way allows you to remove all files that you added, while the second option allows you to remove one file that was added. We also include an example below to show when you would use this and what is happening. Option 1:…


I often forget what the INSERT SQL statement format is when I’m adding fields to different MySQL tables. Use the command below to insert a record into your table: For example, let’s say you need to add a record to the users table. Simply use the following command and you will add a new user…

How to check if a string contains a substring in JavaScript?

There are two simple ways to check if a string contains a substring in JavaScript. One of the ways is done using the includes method for JavaScript 6 (ECMAScript 6) and the other is with the indexOf for JavaScript 5 (ECMAScript 5) or older. Option 1: Use the includes Method (ECMAScript 6) The code snippet…